Scientific Sessions

Gastrointestinal Carcinogenesis and Therapeutics

Gastrointestinal Cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women. Of all stomach cancers, colorectal cancer is the most common bowel tumor diagnosed recently, but pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the deadliest, with low outcomes due to lack of early detection and basic treatment., expanding Conduct research to encourage the development of new things. treatments. Great progress has been made in the pathogenesis, science, and molecular characterization of gastric cancer.

Stomach cancer is treated in a multidisciplinary approach involving many medical, surgical, radiological, neurological, gastroenterological, hepatological and research specialists. Great advances and new treatments have made it easier to understand the pathogenesis and accept the knowledge and progress in the management of gastric banding and gastroplasty. The most common cancers are colorectal cancer in the Western world and gastric hyperplasia in the Eastern world. Colorectal hyperplasia is the third most common disease in the world, with approximately 1.4 million new cases diagnosed in 2012, and approximately 952,000 deaths from colon cancer each year in the whole world. There are approximately 900 medical schools worldwide that treat gastrointestinal diseases. This gastroenterology conference provides a unique opportunity to ask questions about gastroenterology.