Scientific Sessions

Developmental Rehabilitation

Developmental Neurorehabilitation aims to assist individuals with brain injuries, neurological diseases, and other developmental, physical, and intellectual challenges in enhancing their recovery, rehabilitation, and education. While the primary focus is on children, developmental disabilities can impact individuals throughout their lifespan. Rehabilitation can be beneficial for a wide range of health issues, including acute and chronic diseases, illnesses, and injuries. It can also be utilized alongside other healthcare interventions, such as medical and surgical treatments, to achieve optimal outcomes. For instance, rehabilitation can contribute to the reduction, management, or prevention of complications associated with various medical conditions like spinal cord injuries, strokes, or fractures. Occupational therapists and physical therapists have a longstanding history of working with newborns and children who have developmental disorders. Recent years have witnessed several factors influencing the nature of therapeutic interventions provided by these professionals. Medical advancements that have improved the survival rates of premature infants and those with traumatic brain injuries have presented the challenge of developing new therapeutic approaches and technological support for these growing populations.

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Rehabilitation for Developmental Disabilities