Scientific Sessions

Movement Disorder Rehabilitation

The term "movement disorders" encompasses a variety of neurological illnesses that lead to abnormal and excessive voluntary or involuntary movements. It is important to note that reduced or slow movement can also be a symptom of these disorders. Movement disorders are neurological conditions that hinder an individual's ability to generate and control movement. Unfortunately, many movement disorders are incurable, and therefore, the primary objective of treatment is to alleviate symptoms and provide relief from discomfort. Some of these disorders can be severe and progressive, significantly limiting an individual's mobility and communication abilities. Symptoms such as spasms, jerking, or shaking are commonly associated with movement disorders, and they can have a detrimental impact on activities such as writing or playing the piano by impeding or slowing down movement. There are three main forms of movement disorders, namely hyperkinetic (excessive movement), hypokinetic (abnormally reduced deliberate movement), and dyskinesia (aberrant involuntary movement). These movement issues can be caused by various factors, including genetic diseases, acute injuries, nervous system diseases, infections, adverse effects of medications, and other underlying conditions. Additionally, individuals with a history of stroke, high blood pressure, or diabetes may have an increased risk of developing movement disorders, which tends to rise as they age.

  • Mobility
  • Musculoskeletal Pain Management
  • Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
  • Hypokinetic Movement Disorders