Scientific Sessions

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a specialized field that aims to assess and modify everyday tasks, mental health difficulties, and chronic diseases in order to enhance the well-being and overall health of individuals. Whether it is providing care for new-borns or promoting the wellness of the elderly, occupational therapists assist patients of all ages in overcoming or adapting to physical and emotional challenges that affect their daily lives.

  • Listening to patients and evaluating their needs
  • Carefully assessing their patients’ environments
  • Suggesting realistic changes to address their patients’ challenges
  • Instructing and demonstrating how to use assistive equipment, such as wheelchairs and walking devices
  • Designing long-term success plans
  • Incorporating the caregiver(s) in treatment plans
  • Assessing progress and adapting to their patients’ changing needs


Types of Occupational Therapies are:

Pediatric Occupational Therapy - Pediatric occupational therapists provide specialized care for children ranging from the neonatal stage to their teenage years. Parents or guardians often seek the assistance of an OT for their child due to various reasons.

  • Trouble managing school
  • ADHD
  • Vision or hearing issues
  • Developmental disorders
  • Learning disabilities

Neurological Occupational Therapy - Neurological Occupational Therapists frequently provide treatment to patients who have experienced or are still experiencing:

  • Strokes
  • Brain injuries
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Spinal cord injuries

Geriatric Occupational Therapy - Geriatric occupational therapists typically collaborate with a group of healthcare experts to assist elderly individuals in maintaining their independence to the fullest extent possible. Whether it is aiding patients in recuperating from a fall, reacquiring motor abilities like walking and eating, or instructing them on the utilization of assistive tools like wheelchairs, OTs approach each patient with a distinct viewpoint that takes into account their surroundings and present living circumstances.

Mental Health Occupational Therapy - Occupational therapists, equipped with knowledge in psychology and neurology, recognize that promoting a healthy lifestyle goes beyond physical well-being. If you specialize in mental health, you would typically address a range of areas with your patients, ensuring their mental and emotional needs are met.

  • Socioemotional skills
  • Panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia

Physical Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy - Patients often face the challenge of adjusting to a new way of life after undergoing significant surgeries, experiencing accidents, or battling illnesses. For instance, individuals who have undergone limb amputation must acquire the skills to lead a fulfilling life without that limb, such as dressing with one hand or utilizing a prosthetic leg. If you aspire to make a difference in patients' lives by aiding them in their healing journey and assisting them in adapting to their evolving daily routines, pursuing a career as a physical rehabilitation occupational therapist may be the ideal path for you.

  • Rehabilitative therapy
  • Teaching self-management
  • Regaining coordination
  • Adapting to new ways of living

Occupational Therapy for Autism - Occupational therapists play a crucial role in assessing the diverse capabilities of patients with autism to ensure they receive the appropriate care for independent living or with necessary support. This evaluation is essential for addressing their needs while engaging in daily activities.

  • Dressing or bathing
  • Socializing with others
  • Working with others
  • Household management
  • Managing sensory input