Scientific Sessions

Pediatric Rehabilitation

Pediatric rehabilitation is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on aiding children between the ages of 0 and 18 in recovering from or adapting to congenital and childhood-onset issues. It encompasses various forms of therapy such as pediatric occupational therapy, pediatric speech therapy, and children's physical therapy. Physical therapists (PTs) who specialize in working with children concentrate on enhancing mobility, motor development, and overall body function, including strength and endurance. Through their expertise, they assist patients in improving their physical abilities and participation within their home, school, and community environments. PTs play a crucial role as primary healthcare providers, collaborating with families, communities, and other medical, educational, developmental, and rehabilitation professionals to implement a wide range of supportive measures. By working closely with children and their families, PTs strive to help them achieve their maximum potential in terms of independence and active involvement in their daily lives.

  • Pediatric Occupational Therapy
  • Pediatric Speech Therapy
  • Children’s Physical Therapy