Scientific Sessions

Preventative Rehabilitation

Preventive rehabilitation, also known as "Prehab," has gained significant popularity in the field of orthopaedics. Its primary goal is to reduce risk factors and illnesses. This approach is commonly used for pre-operative rehabilitation or injury prevention. By implementing preventive rehabilitation, the aim is to manage the risk of potential injuries among individuals who are considered 'at risk.' In today's world, where chronic diseases and fatalities are on the rise, preventive healthcare plays a crucial role. Disease prevention can be achieved through various means, such as educating teenagers about the hazards of smoking. Additionally, both adults and children, regardless of their perceived health, should prioritize regular check-ups with their doctors. These check-ups enable disease screening, identification of risk factors, discussions on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying updated with immunizations and boosters, and fostering a strong relationship with healthcare providers.

  • Injury Prevention
  • Breathing Exercise
  • Flexibility Exercise
  • Strength training or Resistance Exercise
  • Aerobic Exercise