Scientific Sessions

Rehabilitation Exercises

Physical inactivity is a significant factor in the development of various chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive impairment. Additionally, it increases the likelihood of experiencing pain-related problems like back pain, arthritis, and chronic pain. Physical therapy is an effective approach to address a wide range of conditions, from minor discomfort to major injuries or surgical procedures, as well as the gradual deterioration of the body. Rehabilitation exercises offer numerous benefits, including pain relief, reduced inflammation, improved mood, decreased anxiety, and reduced fatigue. They also contribute to better balance, prevention of falls, and enhanced sleep quality. Moreover, these exercises help relax muscles, improve focus, strengthen the immune system, and promote bone health and quality sleep. However, pain can often discourage individuals from engaging in physical activity. It can also limit their ability to perform essential tasks such as playing with their children, participating in sports, working, socializing, and doing household chores. Consequently, this can have a negative impact on both their physical and mental well-being. It is crucial to address physical inactivity and find ways to manage pain effectively in order to maintain overall health and quality of life.

  • Injury Recovery
  • Rehabilitation Exercise and Pain