Scientific Sessions

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is a medical subspecialty that focuses on physical fitness and the prevention and treatment of sports and exercise-related injuries. While team physicians have been a part of most sports teams for many years, sports medicine has only been recognized as a distinct branch of medicine since the late twentieth century. In some countries, sports medicine is a recognized medical specialty with the same training and criteria as other specialties, while in others it is considered a special interest area but not a recognized specialty. Sports medicine plays a crucial role in promoting exercise and health, as well as in scientifically assessing, analyzing, and understanding sports performance. It serves as a bridge between science and practice. Sports medicine practitioners specialize in providing medical treatments for sports-related injuries. They employ various preventive techniques such as training and injury prevention, as well as treatments like osteopathic manipulation, rehabilitation, and injections. Sports medicine physicians are often sought after by athletes experiencing back pain, which can be caused by the strain and injuries associated with sports such as cycling, weightlifting, running, and golf.

  • Sports Injury Prevention and Treatment
  • Exercise For Health
  • Drugs In Sport