Scientific Sessions

Supportive Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is not limited to individuals with long-term or physical disabilities. It is an essential aspect of healthcare for anyone facing an acute or chronic illness, impairment, or accident that hinders their ability to function. Therefore, it should be made available to all those in need. Supportive rehabilitation aims to enhance a person's self-care abilities and mobility by teaching alternative methods or compensatory approaches to tasks, along with providing self-help devices. This may involve the provision of assistive technology or modifications to the environment. This process is referred to as adaptive rehabilitation. Rehabilitation and supportive care are crucial for promoting independence and improving the quality of life. Supportive care focuses on preventing or managing disease symptoms, treatment side effects, and addressing psychological, social, and spiritual challenges associated with the disease or its treatment at the earliest possible stage. It is also known as palliative care, comfort care, and symptom management.

  • Supportive care
  • Supportive Rehabilitation for cancer