Scientific Sessions

Occupational Public Health & Safety

Occupational Public Health and Safety comprises to the fact from avoiding sicknesses, lengthening lifetime, and encouraging community well-being along with new Policies of Public Health through organized efforts and informed choices for society, organizations, public and private sectors, communities, and individuals. Occupational Public Health refers to a community that is located within the range of any industrial sectors, or industrial plants that have been affected by such toxic wastes, chemical exposures, and other hazardous materials that affect the health of the locality. It involves Occupational Health hazards that comprise hazardous substances, waste materials, and toxic and chemical wastes that have not been dumped properly or not properly handled that affecting Public health. Thus, as per laws of Health Human Rights such protections, awareness, and defensive safety measures have been taken to stop such Public Health Hazards.


Sub-Tracks include:

·         Workplace Hazards

·         Construction Site Safety

·         Agriculture Safety and Health

·         Mine Safety

·         Service Sector

·         Health and Well fare